As An Amateur Photographer I Accept Tips from Other Amateur Photographers
I love to take photos and to share my photos with my friends and family. Even if I know how to use photo editing software, I consider that I’m an amateur photographer. But I still have to learn many tricks and lessons in the domain of photography.
My goal is to become a professional photographer
Everyone who is passionate about photography is thinking about becoming a professional photographer. Maybe is easier to earn money and live the life that you want by practicing the job that is also your passion, your hobby. But even if I love to take pictures and edit those photos, my goal is to become a professional photographer? Well, I can say that this is my dream and maybe someday it will become reality. Today, as an amateur photographer, I enjoy taking photos during my holidays, during my trips and during some private events in the company of my friends. I am aware that I still have much to learn in the domain of photography, but I have enough patience to do this.
I am open minded and I accept tips from other amateur photographers
Because today almost all of us are able to use their own device to take pictures, we may say that the world is full of amateur photographers. Of course, the exception is represented by the professional photographers, which are experts in this domain. Coming back to amateur photographers, me as one of them I am ready to learn from the other amateur photographers. I’m sure that I have many tricks to learn from them, in both domains of taking photos and editing them. There are many amateur photographers that are very proud of their skills, but I consider that as an amateur you have to be always ready to learn more and to improve your skills in photography. Even if nowadays the cameras are user-friendly, there are some tricks that may improve the quality of your photos very much.
I’m also giving tips and tricks for other amateur photographers
Because I have many friends that are passionate about photography, I have to admit that I have learned many tips from them and I have improved my skills. I also have friends that are at the beginning of their adventure as amateur photographers and I feel that is my turn to give them some tips in this domain. Due to the fact that I have several years of experience, I think that I can teach these newcomers in the branch of amateur photography some techniques in both taking pictures and editing photos using specialized software. I know that feeling of being a beginner in the domain of photography and due to this I am available to offer my knowledge to other amateur photographers.
If you are one of those amateur photographers around the world and you think that you have some good tips for us, please let us know your story. Maybe you can help other amateur photographers to improve their skills and obtain better photos.

Hi everyone, as an amateur I have learnt many things throughout the years. Yes amateur photography is a good hobby and there is nothing better than taking pictures of different objects and people.
Categories: Photographers